Hourly Weather Data for ANY US CITY | 10 years of data
Hourly Weather Data for ANY US CITY | 10 years of data
One year of HOURLY weather observations in .csv format output. Temperature and Precipitation Amounts will be included for 365 days ending the last day of the previous year. If you need a different year of data, let us know.
Precipitation Amounts include Hourly Precip Totals (where available), 6 hour precip totals (reported at 00z, 06z, 12z, and 18z), and 24 hour precip totals (reported at 12z each day).
Complete the purchase, look for a confirmation email asking what city you need data processed for, then be ready for the incoming .csv file to be rocketed to your inbox, all within 24 hours of purchase.
AWIS only offers 100% quality checked real weather data.
We have many other variables available. If you need other variables in your report, CONTACT US
Need multiple cities? Discounts are available. CONTACT US
We also offer 1 year of Hourly Weather Data for $199.